Sunday 8 November 2009

''10 ways to use a digital camera''

This reading lended appreciation to the ways in which digital cameras can be implemented during teaching and provided some fab examples! I particularly liked the idea of creating a 'video booth' as an opportunity for children to record their thoughts and feelings on a particular topic. I also very much like the idea of allocating a 'photographer of the day' role to kids; I think it would be really interesting to see what pictures they could come up with independently, given the chance! An excellent cofidence booster to be given that role too. Plus, I liked the idea of children being able to take 'snapshots' of their day home with them. This is a great way for parents and carers to be kept up-to-date on what their children do day-to-day at school. Why limit it to the classroom? I also see this as a great way for families to get involved at home too. Although you'd need to think of the practical implications of this: e.g. not everybody will have a digital camera. Maybe the school could loan one? Not sure. Using a digital camera can help to children to remember the process of learning... not just the end result, which is why it's important to think about ways they can be used. This is something which can be done right across the curriculum, not just in R.E. E.g. the video booth is something you could do as part of Literacy; getting kids to adopt the personalities of certain characters in books. I think adults get scared at the thought of lending the use of technological equipment to kids through fear that it might get damaged or broken, and this puts them off doing so. Therefore it's really important to give children that opportunity despite what the end result may be. I think they deserve that chance and it would be interesting to see what they came up with... you can only learn from your mistakes afterall!!

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