Sunday 8 November 2009

Video - creating a whiteboard lesson

This gave insight of how to use an interactive whiteboard in your lessons. It became apparent to me just how much technology has advanced since I was at primary school. It made me realise that I should practise making use of this opportunity as this is something which could be really beneficial to children in the class (and I think also encompasses the styles of all types of learners e.g. V.A.K). For instance, it can provide links which instantly get children interested, connected and involved in their learning. It enables us to use resources in a much more powerful and detailed way than ever before. It keeps children engaged. As teachers I think it's important to practise and experiment with this technology rather than be afraid of it. This way, we have an opportunity to reach to all of the kids in our class and to do it with confidence and in a way which will hopefully benefit all.

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